Recommended Reading

{ Sunday, October 12, 2008 }

Did I say that was enough for now? I just had to plug a series I read in about 3 weeks. I literally could not put it down. This series is called Twilight. The books are Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. They are written by Stephenie Meyer and she ranks up there with J.K. Rowling for me. I don't know these women as to what kind of people they are, but they are excellent storytellers. It was purely fiction since it dealt primarily with vampires and werewolves. I'm not typically a fan of this genre, but you just have to read them to know how good they are. At first I was intrigued, but then I was completely hooked.

Bonus: The first movie is coming out in November. I included a picture of the actors for the movie. I can't wait!!!

Panther Pride, already???

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It's good to be back! My life has been a whirlwind since school started back on August 18. I'm posting now because I had a minute to get caught up on reading my husband's blog and it inspired me to post an entry on mine.

There's so much I could tell about school, but I really shouldn't go there. I'll focus on the kids for now. It's amazing how quickly they have adjusted to becoming Panthers after all those years as Wildcats. It's still hard for me and this is my 3rd year at NL. I graduated from PHS and at this very moment I feel some Wildcat blue coursing through my veins. Anyway, they have both adapted very well. They are making lots of really good friends. They are enjoying many school activities. They both made Honor Roll for the 1st six weeks. I'm very proud of them. The funniest thing, though, was the NL homecoming game last weekend. An outsider would have thought they had always been Panthers. I'm attaching some pictures to prove my point. I'll let this be all for now, but now that I've reopened my blog (and remembered my password) I hope to keep it more up-to-date.