Sense of Belonging

{ Monday, July 21, 2008 }
I have a daily devotional calendar that has been sitting on March 30th for maybe a year now. The idea on that page has been my absolute favorite.

"A family ought to have an identity that gives each member a sense of belonging."
For in Him we live, and move, and have our being. Acts 17:28

I think this explains why a lot of people (and especially kids) get lost in the cracks of life. They don't have a sense of belonging anywhere or to anything. No matter what challenges life is sure to bring, I want us to do our best to instill in our kids that their relationship with the triune God and our family is their identity. I don't want them to ever wonder (or wander for that matter)!

I need to be more thankful for the precious gifts that God has entrusted to me.



Hamm Family said...

Totally falls in line with what we have been talking about. I will definately take this to heart.

reily said...

hey this is really cute for a name and i like ur second and first posts.